Roundup® Dual Action 365 Weed & Grass Killer Plus 12 Month Preventer Concentrate


SKU: 2810273
  • $57.99
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Roundup® Dual Action 365 Weed & Grass Killer Plus 12 Month Preventer Concentrate provides one-step weed protection for up to 12 months. This weed control kills and prevents many types of tough weeds and grasses for up to 12 months, including clover, dandelion, large and smooth crabgrass, poison ivy, and other broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds and brush. It is rainproof in as fast as 30 minutes and produces visible results in hours. Use Roundup® Dual Action 365 Weed & Grass Killer Plus 12 Month Preventer where you want to kill existing weeds AND prevent new weeds for up to 1 year, such as cracks and crevices in driveways, sidewalks, and walkways, patios, paths, and under decks, gravel areas, and other non-lawn areas. Mix the concentrate according to label directions and spot treat or spray evenly each gallon of spray solution over 300 sq. ft. with a tank sprayer. Please note, to prevent new weeds and grasses from growing, YOU MUST SPRAY THE ENTIRE AREA you want to control, NOT JUST the emerged weeds. One 32 fl. oz. bottle makes up to 5.3 gallons (see booklet for mixing instructions) and covers up to 1,600 sq. ft.


  • Roundup® Dual Action 365 Weed & Grass Killer Plus 12 Month Preventer Concentrate provides one-step weed protection for up to 12 months
  • Our weed control kills and prevents many types of tough weeds and grasses for up to 12 months, including clover, dandelion, large and smooth crabgrass, poison ivy, and other broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds and brush
  • Roundup® Dual Action 365 Weed & Grass Killer Plus 12 Month Preventer Concentrate is rainproof in as fast as 30 minutes and produces visible results in hours
  • Use this weed preventer where you want to kill existing weeds AND prevent new weeds for up to 1 year, such as cracks and crevices in driveways, sidewalks, and walkways, patios, paths, and under decks, gravel areas, and other non-lawn areas
  • Mix Roundup® Dual Action 365 Weed & Grass Killer Plus 12 Month Preventer Concentrate according to label directions and spot treat or spray evenly each gallon of spray solution over 300 sq. ft. with a tank sprayer

Specs and Details

Active Ingredients

  • Triclopyr, triethylamine salt ... 2.50%
  • Fluazifop-P-butyl ... 2.00%
  • Imazapic, ammonium salt ... 1.60%
  • Diquat dibromide ... 1.50%


  • Do not apply this product in a way that will contact any person or pet, either directly or through drift. Keep people and pets out of the area during application.
  • Only persons applying this product may be in the area during application.
  • People and pets may enter treated area after spray has dried.
  • Do not exceed the maximum single application rate of 6 fl. oz. product per 300 sq. ft., a yearly application rate of 12 fl. oz. of product per 300 sq. ft., and wait a minimum of 6 months before repeating application.
  • Do not apply this product via backpack sprayer.

Disposal Methods

  • If Empty: Place in trash or offer for recycling, if available.
  • If Partly Filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.

Product Label

  • This is not the product label.
  • Always read and follow the product label before use.
  • Download Label
  • Safety Data Sheets can be found at

Step by Step Instructions

How to Use

TANK SPRAYER: Use of Roundup® Brand tank sprayer is recommended. A plastic, fiberglass, plastic-lined steel or stainless steel sprayer may also be used.

  • Remove tamper evident band on bottom of cap.
  • Add 6 fl. oz. (12 Tbs.) per gallon of water using the measuring cap provided. Close cap tightly after use.
  • Spot treat or spray evenly each gallon of spray solution over 300 sq. ft.

When and Where to Use

Where Not to Use

  • DO NOT SPRAY plants or grasses you like — they will die.
  • DO NOT USE in areas that will be planted or seeded within 12 months.
  • DO NOT SPRAY landscaped areas around young plants or in areas next to any desirable plants or grasses.
  • DO NOT USE over the root zone of desirable trees or shrubs.
  • DO NOT USE on steep slopes as movement on soil surface may damage desirable plants down the slope.
  • DO NOT SPRAY next to a fence if desirable plants and grasses are growing on the other side.
  • DO NOT USE in lawns or for lawn renovation as this product prevents desirable grasses from growing too.
  • DO NOT USE for vegetable garden preparation or in and around fruits and vegetables.

Where to Use

Apply only where you want to kill existing weeds AND prevent future weed growth for up to 1 year, such as:

  • On cracks and crevices in driveways, sidewalks, and walkways
  • Patios, paths, and under decks
  • Along fences, foundations, and curbs
  • Gravel areas and parking areas
  • Along retaining walls and landscape borders

When to Apply

  • For best results, apply during warm, sunny weather above 60°F.
  • Spray when air is calm to prevent drift to desirable plants.
  • RAINPROOF: Rain or watering 30 minutes after application will NOT wash away effectiveness.
  • Wait at least 6 to 8 months before spraying a previously treated area.

Special Instructions

Watering Tips

Rain or watering 30 minutes after application will NOT wash away effectiveness.

Mixing Instructions

To measure the right amount of product, use the convenient easy-measure cap with volume markings inside.

  • 1 Tablespoon (Tbs) = 3 teaspoons (tsp)
  • 1 fl. oz. = 2 Tbs.
  • 6 fl. oz. = 12 Tbs.

Weeds Controlled

Kills and prevents many types of tough weeds and grasses for up to 12 months including: Bahiagrass, Barnyardgrass, Bermudagrass, Bindweed, Black Medic, Broadleaf Signalgrass, Buckhorn Plantain, Burning Nettle, Bush Honeysuckle, Carolina Geranium, Carpetweed, Chamber-Bitter, Chickweed (Common), Chickweed (Mousear), Cinquefoil, Clover, Common Lespedeza, Common Purslane, Creeping Woodsorrel, Curly Dock, Dandelion, Dichondra, Downy Brome, Evening Primrose, Fall Panicum, Field Sandbur, Florida Pusley, Giant Foxtail, Goosegrass, Green Foxtail, Guineagrass (Seedling), Himalayan Blackberry, Ironweed, Italian Ryegrass, Itchgrass, Johnsongrass (Rhizome), Johnsongrass (Seedling) Junglerice, Kentucky Bluegrass, Kikuyugrass, Lambsquarters, Large Crabgrass, Lespedeza, Maypop Passionflower, Morning Glory, Oxalis, Pennywort, Plantain (Broadleaf), Poison Ivy, Prairie Cupgrass, Quackgrass, Rabbitfootgrass, Red Clover, Red Rice, Red Sorrel, Shattercane, Smooth Crabgrass, Sorghum Almum, Southern Crabgrass, Southern Dewberry, Southern Sandbur, Southwestern Cupgrass, Speedwell (Veronica), Spotted Spurge, Sprawling Horseweed, Spurge (Garden), St. Augustinegrass, Tall Fescue, Texas Panicum, Thistle, Timothy, Tropical Crabgrass, Volunteer Barley, Volunteer Corn, Volunteer Rye, Volunteer Wheat, White Clover, Wild Oats, Wild Proso Millet, Wild Strawberry, Wild Violet, Wirestem Muhly, Witchgrass, Wooly Cupgrass, Yellow Bluestem, Yellow Foxtail.

Kids & Pets

Do not allow people or pets to enter the treated area or touch treated plants until spray has dried.

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