Southwire 14-3 CU Non-Metallic Building With Ground Blue JKT

Southwire Company

SKU: 8154064
  • $0.79
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  1. Conductor: Bare copper per ASTM B3. Sizes #14 AWG - #10 AWG are solid. Sizes #8 AWG - #2 AWG are Class B compressed stranded per ASTM B8
  2. Insulation: All phases and neutral(s) are insulated with Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) with Nylon Sheath 2/C: Black, White 3/C: Black, Red, White 4/C: Black, Red, Blue, White
  3. Ground: Solid soft drawn bare copper with kraft paper wrap
  4. Binder: Kraft paper
  5. Jacket: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) jacket utilizing SIMpull Technology

Application & Features

Southwire Romex® Brand SIMpull® Type NM-B (nonmetallic-sheathed) cable may be used for both exposed and concealed work in dry locations as specified in the National Electrical Code®. NM-B cable is primarily used in residential wiring as branch circuits for outlets, switches, and other loads. NM-B cable may be run in air voids of masonry block or tile walls where such walls are not wet or damp locations. Voltage rating for NM-B cable is 600 volts.

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